22 Apr



Hold on…
Someday someone will make you understand the true meaning of love,
Give you the perfect definition of happiness.
And undo the anxiety to smiles so priceless.
Have faith…
Sometimes it seems like forever but each prayer has its answer.
Love take time to come by but once it arrives its worth the wait.
Stay ready…
Some people may put their thoughts in your head, lying in all different ways.
They might have all the other things but with no love attached to their hearts….
But here I am, with nothing to offer but these words.
I’m a just a man who is trying to get to know you more and give a gift so precious than diamond… a gift of love through this piece of paper.
A poet who is in love with you, be the queen that this Heart been longing for. Be that special one.
Here I am, with none to give but these lines…
Just a poet writing a poem for you.
Take this present,
With it comes different ideas
Real meaning not yet known
Definitions of a heartbeat calms some senses….
Sometimes falling in love is, failing to understand why you still with that person cos there are so many sweet reasons.
Fighting for and with them all time just to get the right decisions.
Will you be that special one?
Will you be willing to be called baby?
Will you stand by this side, smile and agree that we in it together?
So many complicated ideas written down for you on this page,
But the fact remains….
I’m just a poet writing a poem for you.
Asking for a place in heart…
Dont tell me its occupied, love always find a space of its own.
Just move around a few things.
Tell me how you feel.
Maybe not this moment but in due time I will still keep asking just so I know where my luck with stands.
Its a beautiful feeling I get when visions of how I wish I would treat you flashes in front of me.. I smile.
While waiting for that first day I will hug you, whisper in your ears… reminding you how beautiful you always are.
But like I said…
I’m nobody, actually with nothing but only a pen that I am using to write you this.
I’m just a poet writing a poem for you.
A poet with so much to express, so much to show. So much love to give and so much smiles to share. I care.


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